Medical education in Poland, Janusz Janczukowicz (2013) Medical Teacher, 35:7, 537-543 DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.789133 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/0142159X.2013.789133 要旨ポーランドの大学院および大学院医学教育は、現在、…
Medical Education in Kosova, Lul Raka & Isuf Dedushaj (2011) Medical Teacher, 33:4, e173-e177, DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2011.545843 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/0142159X.2011.545843 コソボ(外務省データより) 背景 欧州で最も貧…
Medical students: what educational resources are they using? Lucinda Wynter, Annette Burgess, Eszter Kalman, Jack Edward Heron and Jane BleaselBMC Medical Education201919:36https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-019-1462-9 bmcmededuc.biomedcentral…
Teaching methods used by internal medicine residents on rounds: what works? Authors Kulkarni VT, Salgado SM, Pelletier SR, Shields HM DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/AMEP.S181153 www.dovepress.com 背景:内科医が回診中に行われている具体的な指導…
Validity of the scan of postgraduate educational environment domains (SPEED) questionnaire in a rural general practice training setting Bunmi S. Malau-AduliEmail authorView ORCID ID profile, Faith Alele, Carlos Fernando Collares, Carole Re…
Predatory journals: Do not judge journals by their Editorial Board MembersLeon Ruiter-Lopez, Sandra Lopez-Leon & Diego A. Forero Published online: 22 Feb 2019Download citation https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2018.1556390 https://www.tandf…
Competing Risks Analysis of Promotion and Attrition in Academic MedicineA National Study of U.S. Medical School Graduates Jeffe, Donna B., PhD; Yan, Yan, MD, PhD; Andriole, Dorothy A., MD Academic Medicine: February 2019 - Volume 94 - Issu…
Contextualizing Work-Based Assessments of Faculty and ResidentsIs There a Relationship Between the Clinical Practice Environment and Assessments of Learners and Teachers? Stroud, Lynfa, MD, MEd; Kulasegaram, Kulamakan, PhD; McDonald-Blumer…
Transition to active learning in rural Nepal: an adaptable and scalable curriculum development model Stephen Mehanni, Lena Wong, Bibhav Acharya, Pawan Agrawal, Anu Aryal, Madhur Basnet, David Citrin, Binod Dangal, Grace Deukmedjian, Santos…
Improving communication for learning with students: expectations, feedback and feedforwardTim Ley, Jolanta Kisielewska, Tracey Collett, Steven BurrDOI: https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2019.000014.1 https://www.mededpublish.org/manuscripts/2148…
Increasing Anti-Tobacco Industry Attitudes Among Youth: A Pilot Study of a Multiplayer Educational Board Game Melissa Gilliam, Brandon J. Hill, Erin Jaworski, Ashlyn Sparrow, Ian Bryce Jones, and Patrick Jagoda.Games for Health Journal.Feb…
Job Roles of the 2025 Medical Educator. Deborah Simpson, Karen Marcdante, Kevin H. Souza, Andy Anderson, and Eric Holmboe (2018) Journal of Graduate Medical Education: June 2018, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 243-246. https://doi.org/10.4300/JGME-D-…
Twelve tips for teaching child development and disability to medical students, Jenny McDonald (2018) Medical Teacher, 40:2, 135-139, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2017.1365118 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/10.1080/0142159X.2017.1365118 ヒント1 …
Pedagogical validity: The key to understanding different forms of ‘good’ teaching, Daniel D. Pratt, Brett Schrewe & Martin V. Pusic (2019) Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1533242 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/014…
The perils of teaching medical triads Fizza Manzoor Donald A Redelmeier https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.13637 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/medu.13637 医学における3兆候を教えることは誤解を永続させ、過度の自信、確率の無視、…
Teaching medicine with the help of “Dr. House” Teaching medicine with the help of “Dr. House” 「Dr.House」、「Grey's Anatomy」、「Emergency Room」などのテレビシリーズは、医学生によく知られています。 「Dr.House」のような医療用TVシリーズを特…
RETAIN: A Board Game That Improves Neonatal Resuscitation Knowledge Retention Maria Cutumisu, Siddhi D. Patel, Matthew R. G. Brown, Caroline Fray, Patrick von Hauff, Thomas Jeffery and Georg M. Schmölzer Frontiers | RETAIN: A Board Game Th…
Animated stories of medical error as a means of teaching undergraduates patient safety: an evaluation study Cooper, K., Hatfield, E. & Yeomans, J. Perspect Med Educ (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-019-0498-1 link.springer.com 背景 …
Exam preparatory course for the 2nd part of the German medical examination in obstetrics and gynecology – a potential tool for the recruitment of new residents during the occupational decision process before the practical year? Fabian Ried…
App Review Series: Radiology Pocket Game Prasath, V.B.S. J Digit Imaging (2017) 30: 127. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10278-016-9924-7 アプリ名:Radiology Pocket Game URL:https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/radiologypocketgame/id968374068 link.sp…
Board Games for Health: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis Andrea Gauthier, Pamela M. Kato, Kim C.M. Bul, Ian Dunwell, Aimee Walker-Clarke, and Petros Lameras. Games for Health Journal.http://doi.org/10.1089/g4h.2018.0017 htt…
Supporting the development of a professional identity: General principles, Sylvia R. Cruess, Richard L. Cruess & Yvonne Steinert (2019) Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1536260 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/014215…
A Process for Assessment and Quality Improvement of the Clerkship Curriculum. Glaser, K. (2019). Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. https://doi.org/10.1177/2382120519825873 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.117…
The Clinical Reasoning Mapping Exercise (CResME): a new tool for exploring clinical reasoning Torre, D.M., Hernandez, C.A., Castiglioni, A. et al. Perspect Med Educ (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-018-0493-y link.springer.com 背景 …
The Clinical Reasoning Mapping Exercise (CResME): a new tool for exploring clinical reasoning Torre, D.M., Hernandez, C.A., Castiglioni, A. et al. Perspect Med Educ (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-018-0493-y link.springer.com 背景 …
Willingness, concerns, incentives and acceptable remuneration regarding an involvement in teaching undergraduates - a cross-sectional questionnaire survey among German GPs Tobias Deutsch, Marcus Winter†, Stefan Lippmann, Anne-Kathrin Geier…
Specific feedback makes medical students better communicators Cosima Engerer, Pascal O. Berberat, Andreas Dinkel, Bärbel Rudolph, Heribert Sattel and Alexander WuenschBMC Medical Education201919:51https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-019-1470-9 …
Applications of the reflective practice questionnaire in medical education Shane L. Rogers, Lynn E. Priddis, Nicole Michels, Michael Tieman and Lon J. Van WinkleBMC Medical Education201919:47https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-019-1481-6 bmcmed…
Imbuing medical professionalism in relation to safety: a study protocol for a mixed-methods intervention focused on trialling an embedded learning approach that centres on the use of a custom designed board game Marie Ward, Eilish McAuliff…
Twelve tips for conducting successful interprofessional teaching rounds, Stacey Kassutto, Nitin Seam, William G. Carlos, Diana Kelm, Viren Kaul, Nancy H. Stewart & Laura Hinkle (2019) Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1545086 htt…