Postgraduate Medical journal
What gets resident physicians stressed and how would they prefer to be supported? A best–worst scaling study Andrew Wu1,2, Ritika S Parris3,4, Timothy M Scarella1,2, Carrie D Tibbles3,5, John Torous1,2,…
Foundation rotations in medical training: is it love at first sight? Collins1, Catherine Eley2, George Kohler3, Morgan4…
Analysis of driving simulator performance for post-call orthopaedic surgery residents C Grandizio, Daniela F Barreto Rocha, Alexander Holbert, Elizabeth J Pavis…
Immediate consequences and solutions used to maintain medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic for residents and medical students: a restricted review FREEFrançois Chasset1,2, Matthias Barral1,3, Olivier Steichen1,4,…
Guidance for providing effective feedback in clinical supervision in postgraduate medical education: a systematic review Weallans1,2, Roberts1,2, http:…
Cheese, ketchup and grapes: a 10-step protocol on how to teach medical students and junior doctors cataract surgery in a simulated environment using household items Christopher Norbury この…
Written in the stars: did your specialty choose you? Morgan1, Collins2, Sacha Moore1, Catherine Eley2 研究の目的 2000年以上前に設立された星占い…
What are the non-technical skills required by junior doctors in the NHS to manage medical emergencies? A scoping review Xin Tan1, Hanafi Bin Jalal1, http://or…
Clinical Orthopaedic Teaching programme for Students (COTS)Prakrit Raj Kumar1, Thomas Stubley1, はじめに 整形外科の試験に関して教えられている内容の深さと幅には、大きな違いがあります。学部学生は、試験指導のばらつきに戸惑うことが…
A standard operating procedure for developing and hosting a webinar for healthcare professionals new to online teachingMarije P Hennus1, van Dam2Correspondence to Dr Marjel van Dam, Intensive Care…
Ten tips for organising a Bleep Roulette for final year medical students and new foundation trainees Yagazie Zina Udeaja1, Rynda Nitiahpapand2 概要卒業した医学生や新人研修医にとって、医師とし…
Diagnosing, fast and slow JJ Coughlan1, Cormac Francis Mullins2, Thomas J Kiernan3 診断ミスは医療における重大な罹患率と死亡率の原因であることがますます認識されてきている。この記事では、臨床的…
Point-of-care ultrasound augments physical examination learning by undergraduate medical studentsChun Ka Wong1, JoJo Hai1, Kwong Yue Eric Chan1, Ka Chun Un1, Mi Zhou1, Duo Huang1,2, Yang Yang Cheng1, Wen Hua Li1,3, Li Xue Yin3, Wen Sheng Y…
Current status of clinician-educator tracks in internal medicine residency programmesYazan Daaboul1, Amy Lin2, Kelly Vitale1,3, Laura K Snydman1,3 背景 内科系プログラムの研修医は、リーダーシップ、カリキュラム開発、臨床教育に関…
Augmented reality in surgical training: a systematic review Matthew Adam Williams1, James McVeigh1, Ashok Inderraj Handa2, Regent Lee2 抄録このシステマティックレビューの目的は、外科手術トレー…
General surgical foundation doctor: optimisation of daily practice はじめに 研修医1年目の医師(FY1)の役割は、年々進化してきている。この間、多くの医師が大きな不安やストレスを抱えていると報告し…