


医学部1年生が生化学の臨床酵素学を学ぶための革新的なゲーミフィケーションツールとしての "CARBGAME" (CARd & Board GAmes in Medical Education)

“CARBGAME” (CARd & Board GAmes in Medical Education) as an innovative gamification tool for learning clinical enzymology in biochemistry for first year medical students Krishna Mohan Surapaneni First published: 13 August 2024 https://doi.o…


To teach is to learn twice, revisited: a qualitative study of how residents learn through teaching in clinical environmentsTakeshi Kondo, Noriyuki Takahashi, Muneyoshi Aomatsu & Hiroshi Nishigori BMC Medical Education volume 24, Article nu…


Explicit motives and personality characteristics in first year medical students: a multicentre quantitative study using McClellands motive disposition theoryJohanna Flora Rother, Michelle Seer, Stephan Stegt & Tobias Raupach BMC Medical Ed…

鉄道の線路を敷設する: 義務化されたカリキュラム変更において、教育機関の指導者たちはどのように複雑さを乗り切るか

Laying train tracks en route: How institutional education leaders navigate complexity during mandated curriculum changeHerman Tam, Ian ScottFirst published: 09 July 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.15464 https://asmepublications.onlinelib…

医療専門職教育研究(HPER:health professions education research)ユニットの立ち上げと運用: AMEE Guide No.170

Setting up and operationalizing a health professions education research (HPER) unit: AMEE Guide No.170 Simon Kitto,Arone Wondwossen Fantaye,You You,Susan Van SchalkwykORCID Icon &Jennifer Cleland Received 11 Jul 2024, Accepted 29 Jul 2024,…


Understanding the capacity development of faculty development programs: a sequential explanatory mixed methods study Mahla Salajegheh, John Sandars, Azim Mirzazadeh & Roghayeh Gandomkar BMC Medical Education volume 24, Article number: 744 …


Medical education research study quality instrument: an objective instrument susceptible to subjectivityScott Jaros &Gary Beck DallaghanORCID IconArticle: 2308359 | Received 28 Aug 2023, Accepted 17 Jan 2024, Published online: 24 Jan 2024C…


Competencies required to make use of Information Science and Technology among Japanese medical students: a cross-sectional studyYuma Ota, Yoshikazu Asada, Makiko Mieno & Yasushi Matsuyama BMC Medical Education volume 24, Article number: 84…


Twelve tips for strengthening global equity in health professions education publicationKomal AttaORCID Icon,Pathiyil Ravi Shankar,Elize Archer,Anabelle Andon,Zareen Zaidi,Saniya Sabzwari, show allReceived 20 Nov 2023, Accepted 23 Jul 2024,…

ニーズアセスメント: 教育者の第一歩

The Needs Assessment: An Educator’s First StepAlroumi, Fahad MD, MEHP; Belcher, Anne RN, PhDAuthor InformationAcademic Medicine 99(8):p 934, August 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005643 journals.lww.com すべての斬新なカリキュラムは、ニ…

フィードバック、学習、なること: Narratives of feedback in complex performance challenges

Feedback, learning and becoming: Narratives of feedback in complex performance challengesMargaret Bearman, Mary Dracup, Rola Ajjawi, Catherine Kirby, James BrownFirst published: 08 July 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.15469 https://asmep…


Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Qualitative Submissions to JGME Rachel Gottlieb-Smith, MD, MHPE; Dorene Balmer, PhD; Lalena M. Yarris, MD, MCR; Gail M. Sullivan, MD, MPHJ Grad Med Educ (2024) 16 (4): 383–386.https://doi.org/10.4300/JGME-D-24-0…


Association between grit and depressive symptoms among medical students, moderated by academic performance Mitsuyuki NumasawaORCID Icon,Nobutoshi NawaORCID Icon,Kumiko YamaguchiORCID Icon,Keiichi AkitaORCID Icon &Masanaga YamawakiORCID Ico…

ChatGPTの使用は不正行為か? 医療専門職の学生の認識

Is use of ChatGPT cheating? Students of health professions perceptionsAbby Swanson Kazley,Christine Andresen,Angela Mund,Clint Blankenship &Rick SegalReceived 03 May 2024, Accepted 24 Jul 2024, Published online: 04 Aug 2024Cite this articl…


The educational game SonoQz improves diagnostic performance in ultrasound assessment of ovarian tumorsErica Smedberg, Måns Åkerlund, Mikael Andersson Franko, Elisabeth EpsteinFirst published: 31 July 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/aogs.14906…

医療教育者のための初心者レベルのヒント: 選択、迅速なエンジニアリング、人工知能チャットボットの使用に関するガイダンス

Beginner-Level Tips for Medical Educators: Guidance on Selection, Prompt Engineering, and the Use of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots. Kıyak, Y.S. Med.Sci.Educ. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-024-02146-1 link.springer.com 人工知能…


Students’ experiences of a GP escape roomKevin McConvilleORCID Icon &Clara WhiteReceived 15 Apr 2024, Accepted 29 Apr 2024, Published online: 30 Jul 2024Cite this article https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2024.2364885 https://www.tandfonlin…


Learning cardiac embryology on YouTube—What videos are there to view?Ruth Mathew, Niveta Ramakrishnan, Fiona Boland, Teresa Pawlikowska, Jane C. HollandFirst published: 28 July 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/ase.2467 https://anatomypubs.onli…

医学教育に力を与える: リフレクティブ・ライティングとテーラーメイド・アセスメントが深い学びに与える影響を明らかにする

Empowering Medical Education: Unveiling the Impact of Reflective Writing and Tailored Assessment on Deep Learning Authors PUJA DULLOO 1 NEERAJ VEDI 2 MINAL PATEL 3 SUMAN SINGH 41 Department of Physiology, PIMSR, Faculty of Medicine, Parul …


Evaluating the effects of comprehensive simulation on central venous catheterization training: a comparative observational studyHaroula M. Tzamaras, Dailen Brown, Jessica Gonzalez-Vargas, Jason Moore & Scarlett R. Miller BMC Medical Educat…


Employing students’ evaluations and tutors’ perceptions to evaluate a faculty development program on problem-based learning at the Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University Ahlam Barnawi, Ahmed M. Sonbol, Lana Al-Shawwa, Alwalla Abula…

グラブバッグ・アクティビティ プロフェッショナル・アイデンティティの開発を促進する学生共同制作のカリキュラム

rd.springer.com 目的 専門的アイデンティティ開発(PID)の基礎を築くための、学生共同制作のカリキュラムを説明する。 Grab Bag Activity(GBA)についての詳細 目的Grab Bag Activity(GBA)は、専門的なアイデンティティの発展(PID)を促進し、学習環境…

P(u)BLIQを行く: 学部医学生を問題解決型学習から探究型ケース学習へと移行させるハイブリッド型アプローチ

Going P(u)BLIQ: Successfully Transitioning Undergraduate Medical Students from Problem-Based Learning to Inquiry Case Learning Through a Novel Hybrid Approach. Griffin, D.P., Ortega, M. & O’Malley, C.B. Med.Sci.Educ. (2024). https://doi.or…


Hiske Joanna Brouwer, Margot Barry, Manon Kluijtmans, Roger Anna Maria Joseph Damoiseaux, Esther de GrootFirst published: 21 July 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.15476 https://asmepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/medu.154…

卓越した学生エンゲージメントのためのASPIRE: 複雑な構成要素を教育機関がどのように運用するかの例

ASPIRE for excellence in student engagement: Examples of how institutions operationalize a complex constructBarbara Barzansky &Carmen FuentealbaReceived 13 Jan 2024, Accepted 12 Jun 2024, Published online: 20 Jun 2024Cite this article http…


Gender representation in Canadian surgical leadership and medical faculties: a cross-sectional studyLauren Pickel & Nirojini Sivachandran BMC Medical Education volume 24, Article number: 667 (2024) bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com 背景 過去20…

勝利のための探究心: 縦割りクラークシップにおけるBINGO演習を通じて好奇心を育む

Inquiry for the win: Fostering curiosity through a BINGO exercise in a longitudinally integrated clerkshipBenjamin ViplerORCID Icon,Frank Merritt,Sharisse Arnold-Rehring,Shanta Zimmer,Jennifer Adams &Sarah FaubelReceived 25 Apr 2024, Accep…


Personal career decisions during medical training are not complicated, they are complexLea Lea Harper, Janeve Desy, Melinda Davis, Sarah Weeks, Kevin McLaughlinFirst published: 18 June 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.15466 https://asmepu…

氷山の一角: 学部医学教育におけるジェネラリズム、システム思考による分析

The tip of the iceberg: Generalism in undergraduate medical education, a systems thinking analysisMartina Kelly, Lyn Power, Ann Lee, Nathalie Boudreault, Murthatha Ali, Maria HubinetteFirst published: 15 June 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/m…

LapBot-Safe Chole:安全な胆嚢摘出術を教えるための人工知能搭載モバイルゲームアプリの検証

LapBot-Safe Chole: validation of an artificial intelligence-powered mobile game app to teach safe cholecystectomy. St John, A., Khalid, M.U., Masino, C. et al. Surg Endosc (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00464-024-11068-3 link.springer.co…