

BEME Guide まとめ

BEME Guide 一覧 (2022/8/3)


A Best Evidence in Medical Education systematic review to determine the most effective teaching methods that develop reflection in medical students: BEME Guide No. 51



A Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review of:What works best for health professions students using mobile (hand-held) devices for educational support on clinical placements? BEME Guide No. 52



Non-technical skills assessments in undergraduate medical education: A focused BEME systematic review: BEME Guide no. 54



Interventions for undergraduate and postgraduate medical learners with academic difficulties: A BEME systematic review: BEME guide no. 56



The utility of mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education: A BEME review: BEME Guide No. 59



A BEME realist synthesis review of the effectiveness of teaching strategies used in the clinical setting on the development of clinical skills among health professionals: BEME Guide No. 61



A BEME systematic review of teaching interventions to equip medical students and residents in early recognition and prompt escalation of acute clinical deteriorations: BEME Guide No. 62



Developments in medical education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 63



COVID-19パンデミックに対応した医学教育の発展に関する最新情報。BEME Guide No.64


Self –regulatory learning theory as a lens on how undergraduate and postgraduate learners respond to feedback: A BEME scoping review: BEME Guide No. 66



Online learning developments in undergraduate medical education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 69



Pivot to online learning for adapting or continuing workplace-based clinical learning in medical education following the COVID-19 pandemic: A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 70



Remote learning developments in postgraduate medical education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 71



Exploring students’ [pre-pandemic] use and the impact of commercial-off-the-shelf learning platforms on students’ national licensing exam performance: a focused review-BEME guide no. 72



Components of interprofessional education programs in neonatal medicine: A focused BEME review: BEME Guide No. 73



Structure and impact of longitudinal Graduate Medical Education curricula designed to prepare future clinician-educators: A systematic scoping review: BEME Guide No. 74



Technology enhanced neuroanatomy teaching techniques: A focused BEME systematic review of current evidence: BEME Guide No. 75
