


Situations that prompt teachers in problem-based curricula to reflect on their beliefs, identity and mission
Lukas Daniel LeatemiaORCID Icon,Boukje CompenORCID Icon,Diana H. J. M. DolmansORCID Icon,Jeroen J. G. van MerrienboerORCID Icon &Astrid Pratidina SusiloORCID Icon
Received 26 Sep 2023, Accepted 06 Feb 2024, Published online: 23 Feb 2024
Cite this article https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2024.2316853


image generator

Let's create an illustration that captures the essence of situations prompting teachers in problem-based curricula to reflect on their beliefs, identity, and mission. I'm envisioning a classroom setting filled with diverse elements that symbolize challenges, reflection, and growth. Here's the detailed description for the image:

The setting is a modern, bright classroom with large windows letting in soft, natural light. In the center, a teacher stands by a round table surrounded by a diverse group of students engaged in animated discussion. The teacher, a figure of authority yet approachable, holds a notebook filled with notes and reflections, symbolizing their continuous learning journey.

Around them, the walls are adorned with posters that represent various global challenges – environmental, social, and technological – highlighting the problem-based nature of the curriculum. A large, interactive whiteboard displays a complex problem that the class is working to solve, with mind maps and interconnected solutions, indicating the collaborative and critical thinking approach encouraged in the classroom.

In one corner of the room, there's a quiet reflection area with a comfortable armchair, a stack of books on pedagogy and philosophy, and a journal on a small table, symbolizing the teacher's introspective practice on their beliefs and identity. This area is bathed in a warm light from a standing lamp, creating a cozy atmosphere that invites contemplation.

The teacher's face is thoughtful, with a gentle smile, reflecting a sense of fulfillment and purpose. The diverse student group, with their varied expressions of curiosity, frustration, and epiphany, mirrors the real-world complexities they are learning to navigate.

This scene encapsulates the dynamic and reflective nature of teaching within a problem-based curriculum, emphasizing the teacher's role in guiding, learning, and evolving alongside their students.

Let's create this image.


It seems there was an issue with generating the illustration. Let's try again to create the image based on the detailed description provided.

In a modern, bright classroom filled with natural light, a diverse group of students surrounds a round table, engaged in animated discussion with a teacher. The teacher holds a notebook filled with notes and reflections, symbolizing continuous learning. The walls are adorned with posters representing global challenges, and an interactive whiteboard displays a complex problem with mind maps. A quiet reflection area in the corner features a comfortable armchair, books on pedagogy and philosophy, and a journal on a small table, bathed in warm light from a standing lamp. The teacher's thoughtful expression and the students' varied reactions reflect the complexities of navigating real-world problems in a problem-based curriculum.



Figure 1. The onion model with its inner (i.e. beliefs, identity and mission) and outer (i.e. environment, behaviour and competencies) layers that pertain to the concept of teacher perspective (Korthagen Citation2004).






  1. 教師が教育者としてのアイデンティティについて考えるきっかけ:

    • 教師中心の視点を持つ教師は、専門外の話題を議論することに不快感を感じることが多く、自分を科目の専門家としてよりは、学習を促進するファシリテーターとしては考えていませんでした。しかし、自身の過去の教育や学習経験、チューターとしての仕事から、PBLディスカッションで学生の学習を促進し、学習に苦労している学生を助けることに関心を持ち始めました​​。
  3. 教師が自分の使命について考えるきっかけ:

    • 教師は、学生中心の方法で教え、教師としての成長を遂げることに困難を感じた時、自分が何に触発され、自分の仕事に意味と重要性を与えるのかを反映しました。臨床義務や他の優先事項による時間制約が、教師が学生の学習を最適に促進することを妨げる状況であり、これが教師の動機を低下させました。それにより、教師は自分の役割を学生学習のファシリテーターとしての追加の負担と感じ、教育を改善する動機付けがなくなりました​​。








